Quantum Capacitance and Fermi Level Change in Graphene Nanoribbons Due to Gas Sensing



  • Fahrin Rahman Department of EEE, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Md. Saidur Rahman Department of EEE, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Rubab Ahmmed Department of EEE, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Md. Hazrat Ali Department of EEE, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.


Graphene, Nano ribbon, Density of States, Quantum Capacitance, Fermi Level


Here we used semiempirical computations to examine the property of nanoribbon of Graphene as a gas sensor with interaction of H2O gas molecule for both pure and defective GNRs which has been generated in Atomistix Toolkit (ATK) software. Density of States GNR before and after the interaction is shown in a (DOS) diagram with gas particles was discovered to be different which has been observed in MATLAB software. It's vital to look at the quantum capacitance when examining Graphene’s electrical properties. So, this study looked at change in quantum capacitance and Fermi Level of Graphene before and after gas sensing and the results were produced with necessary equations. Using a three-electrode electrochemical setup, we are able to directly quantify Graphene's quantum capacitance as a function of gate potential. If Graphene is used in a highly sensitive capacitive circuit, the change in Fermi energy was determined from experimental data of changed Density of States (DOS). Although this research has some limitations and future scopes, we can propose that the change in Fermi Energy level can be approximately 9.5 eV with respect to the quantum capacitance of fabricated Graphene interacting with H2O which is used as a MOSFET in this work.



How to Cite

Rahman, F. ., Rahman, M. S. ., Ahmmed, R. ., & Ali, M. H. . (2023). Quantum Capacitance and Fermi Level Change in Graphene Nanoribbons Due to Gas Sensing. International Journal of Applied and Structural Mechanics , 3(01), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.55529/ijasm31.1.9