Comparative Study of Student Chemistry Learning Results Using Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Model and Think Pair and Share (Tps) On Basic Law of Chemistry Materials At Sma Negeri 1 Gandapura


  • Isna Rezkia Lukman Department of chemistry education, Malikussaleh university, aceh, Indonesia.
  • Ratna Unaida Department of chemistry education, Malikussaleh university, aceh, Indonesia.
  • Sri Setiawaty Department of chemistry education, Malikussaleh university, aceh, Indonesia.


This study aims to see the comparison of learning outcomes between PBL and TPS models. The type of research is quasi experimental research with non equivalent group pretest and posttest design. Sampling techniques in this study using purposive sampling. Sampel in this study is class X IPA1 as experimental class 1 that applies PBL learning model and X IPA2 as an experimental class 2 that applies TPS model which each class numbered 25 students. based on the results of data analysis, the average cognitive learning outcomes obtained in pretest-psttest in experimental class 1 were 24.28 and 71.72 while the average cognitive learning outcomes in Pretest-Posttest in experiment class 2 were 21.00 and 58.00. T-test is conducted by independent sample test using SPSS Software 18.0. significant value (2-tailed) is 0.00 < 0.05 which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the research, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between students taught with PBL and TPS models on basic chemical legal materials.



How to Cite

Isna Rezkia Lukman, Ratna Unaida, & Sri Setiawaty. (2022). Comparative Study of Student Chemistry Learning Results Using Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Model and Think Pair and Share (Tps) On Basic Law of Chemistry Materials At Sma Negeri 1 Gandapura. Journal of Community Pharmacy Practice, 2(02), 6–15.