Journal Healthcare Treatment Development(JHTD) ISSN : 2799-1148 <p>The<strong> Journal Healthcare Treatment Development(JHTD</strong>) having <strong>ISSN:2799-1148</strong> is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides publication of articles in all areas of Healthcare, medical and related disciplines. The objective of this journal is to provide a veritable platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss a variety of innovative ideas and developments in all aspects of<strong> Healthcare and medical</strong></p> HM Journals en-US Journal Healthcare Treatment Development(JHTD) ISSN : 2799-1148 2799-1148 Evaluation of the Nurses' Understanding of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in Primary Health Care Centres in Al-Diwaniyah <p>A descriptive study was undertaken from January 15, 2023 to May 26, 2023 in order to measure the level of knowledge among nurses This text pertains to the improvement of health and the avoidance of illnesses at primary healthcare clinics located in the municipality of Al-Diwaniyah. A precise random population of 150 individuals, evenly distributed among There are eleven primary health care institutions located in the city of Al Diwaniyah. The numbers were obtained from the health promotion and disease prevention tool that has been authorized by the Iraqi Ministry of Health. Data was gathered by conducting a questionnaire for each variable, employing a research instrument and the personal interview method. Each survey necessitated roughly 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire comprised four axes, with the initial axis explicitly focusing on community partnership and mobilization. The second axis relates to the local council of the primary health care centre. The third level of communication focuses on modifying behaviour, while the fourth dimension revolves around promoting health and preventing sickness. The data was evaluated using the weighted average method, renowned for its ability to generate accurate outcomes by using the principle of weight ratios. The study found that the research sample had outstanding expertise in the field of health promotion and illness prevention. The study proposes improving training programs in primary health care, with a specific emphasis on boosting communication skills and promoting changes in health behaviours. Additionally, it suggests prioritizing community involvement and activation, while also strengthening the local governing bodies of basic healthcare facilities. In addition, the study cautions against indiscriminately replacing experienced nurses with new workers.</p> Haider Kadhum Raddam Aqeel Abd Al-Hamza Marhoon Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 4 4 1 13 10.55529/jhtd.44.1.13 The Process of Interpersonal Communication between Dentists and Patients <p>Interpersonal communication is a fundamental aspect of the relationship between dentists and patients. This research aims to explore the process of effective interpersonal communication in this context. Using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, data was collected through in-depth interviews and observations of interactions between dentists and patients during the counseling process. The findings indicate that the use of easily understandable language, empathetic attitudes, supportive attitudes, positive attitudes, and equality in communication from the dentist are crucial in building a good therapeutic relationship with the patient. Most patients felt comfortable and open to sharing their problems and conditions due to the non-judgmental, empathetic, supportive, and positive attitudes of the dentist. However, professional boundaries are still necessary to maintain equality in the doctor-patient relationship. This research emphasizes the importance of effective interpersonal communication in enhancing patient satisfaction, providing treatment, and facilitating better healthcare.</p> Hauradhiya Faizah Amriely K. Y.S Putri Maulina Larasati Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 4 4 14 20 10.55529/jhtd.44.14.20 Evaluation of the Implementation of the COVID-19 Response Village in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District <p>This research aims to analyze evaluation of the implementation of the COVID-19 response village in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District. This research uses a form of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The criteria for research informants are stakeholders and village non-governmental organizations that are implementers of COVID-19 response village policies in handling COVID-19 in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, namely village heads, village officials, village health officers, community leaders, parties sub-district officers who are a team of COVID-19 volunteers and village communities. Interview, literature, and documentation data collection techniques. Data analysis techniques for condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the implementation of the COVID-19 response village in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency is in accordance with the standards for handling COVID-19 based on Circular Letter Number 8, 2020 concerning COVID-19 response villages and the confirmation that cash-intensive work is already running but not yet running optimally. There are several obstacles in the implementation of the COVID-19 response village in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, namely minimal budget for implementing the COVID-19 response village, the difficulty of changing society's culture and thinking regarding COVID-19, and lack of coordination.</p> Mira Silvia Nasution Humaizi Tengku Irmayani Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 4 4 21 31 10.55529/jhtd.44.21.31 Economic Viability of Cutting-Edge Genetic Treatments: Balancing Innovation and Fiscal Sustainability in India's Healthcare Sector <p>Recent breakthroughs in genetic treatments offer unprecedented opportunities for addressing previously incurable conditions, but their astronomical costs present significant challenges to healthcare systems globally, particularly in developing economies like India. This comprehensive study conducts an in-depth economic analysis of three recently approved genetic treatments, meticulously comparing their long-term financial impacts with traditional care methods in the Indian healthcare context. Utilizing advanced economic modeling techniques and drawing from a diverse array of data sources including clinical studies, real-world evidence, and Indian health databases, we evaluate the treatments' cost-effectiveness, budget impact, and potential for long-term savings over an extended 30-year period. Our findings reveal a complex economic landscape: while these cutting-edge treatments require substantial initial investments, ranging from Rs. 10 crore to Rs. 18 crore per patient, they may offer significant long-term economic benefits in specific scenarios. The study goes beyond mere cost analysis, exploring the broader economic implications of these treatments, including their potential impact on workforce productivity, caregiver burden, and the development of India's biotechnology sector. We propose a comprehensive framework for assessing the economic sustainability of such high-cost treatments, taking into account both immediate budgetary constraints and potential long-term societal benefits. Furthermore, we discuss detailed policy implications for the integration of these treatments into India's healthcare system, emphasizing the need for innovative financing mechanisms, value-based pricing models, and adaptive health technology assessment methods. This research aims to provide policymakers, healthcare providers, and industry stakeholders with crucial insights to navigate the complex intersection of medical innovation and economic sustainability in the rapidly evolving landscape of genetic treatments.</p> Dr. S. Ramesh Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 4 4 32 42 10.55529/jhtd.44.32.42