Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society(JLLS) ISSN 2815-0961 2024-07-20T05:41:16+00:00 Editor in Chief Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society(JLLS) </strong>having <strong>ISSN 2815-0961 </strong>is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides publication of articles in all areas of Language, Linguistics and related disciplines. The objective of this journal is to provide a veritable platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss a variety of innovative ideas and developments in all aspects of<strong> Language and Linguistics.</strong></p> Lost in Untranslatability: Ishvara, Allah and Interfaith Dialogue 2024-06-13T06:00:15+00:00 Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay <p>While translation plays a vital role in bridging intercultural gaps, it struggles to convey the exact meaning of certain ideas due to the unique characteristics and structures inherent in each language and the underlying social context. This difficulty is pronounced when translating between the language pair Hindi and Urdu, which, despite both originating from Khari Boli, have diverged significantly under the influences of Hinduism and Islam. In an Indian social context, the Arabic-origin Urdu word Allah is often equated with the Sanskrit-origin Hindi word Ishvara. However, this translation is problematic and can cause confusion because the Hindu idea of the divine, Ishvara, is fundamentally different from the Islamic concept of Allah. Building upon the theory of Sanskrit non-translatability proposed by Malhotra and Babaji, this paper argues for the existence of cultural untranslatability in the domain of Urdu-Sanskrit translation. Using a case study approach for the terms Ishvara and Allah, the paper concludes that specific religious terms should not be translated and makes the case that preserving precise linguistic categories is essential for meaningful inter-faith engagement.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Pragmatic Markers in Political Discourse in Trudea’s Speech 2024-06-19T06:51:22+00:00 Prof. Dr. Qasim Obayes Al-Azzawi Assistant Lect. Ina’am Abdul-Jabbar Abdul-Kadhim <p>The employment of pragmatic markers can be used to convey politeness, emphasis, contrast, hesitancy, uncertainty, or assurance. In the realm of political discourse, pragmatic markers can be employed for manipulative goals, such as altering the perception of the audience, concealing or distorting information, constructing an advantageous or unfavourable image of oneself or others, or evading duty or accountability.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Multiverb Constructions in Ogba Language: A Syntactic and Semantic Exploration 2024-06-28T10:24:27+00:00 Stanley Ordu Better Odukwu <p>This study investigates the nature of multiverb constructions in Ogba, a Niger-Congo language spoken in Nigeria. This study employs a descriptive and analytical approach, utilising primary data collected through fieldwork in Ogba-speaking communities. This study employs a generative grammar framework, particularly drawing on the principles of minimalist syntax (Chomsky, 1995). The result of the study shows that Ogba, like many other African languages, showcases a rich array of syntactic structures, particularly in its use of verbs. Multiverb constructions in Ogba present a fascinating area for linguistic analysis due to their complexity and the insights they provide into the language’s syntax and semantics. The study solely focuses on multiverb construction in the Ogba language. Finally, the exploration of multiverb constructions in the Ogba language has the potential to significantly enrich various fields within linguistics and beyond, offering new data, theoretical insights, and practical applications.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors The Role of the Igbo Language Translators in Promoting Literacy, Moral Values, and Christianity: A Comprehensive Study in Igbo Society 2024-07-17T10:48:24+00:00 Ifeanyi A. Chukwudebelu Ebele Deborah Uba <p>This research investigates the significant contributions of the Igbo language translators to promoting literacy, moral values, and Christianity within the Igbo community. It explores how the language serves as a conduit for transmitting cultural heritage, ethical principles, and religious teachings, shaping individuals' moral fabric and spiritual growth. The study examines the role of translators in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps, facilitating access to literacy materials and religious texts, and promoting effective communication within the community. Historical and contemporary perspectives on using the Igbo language in educational settings and religious institutions are analyzed to uncover challenges and opportunities associated with promoting literacy and Christian teachings. The impact of globalization, technology, and socio-economic factors on language use and cultural and religious knowledge transmission is also investigated. Through empirical analysis and qualitative research methods, the study provides insights into the dynamic relationship between language, literacy, morality, and Christianity in Igbo society, with implications for educational practices, community development, and cultural preservation.</p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Traditional Marriage Terms in Awgbu-Igbo 2024-07-20T05:41:16+00:00 Peter Oyewole Makinde Chinenye Gift Ezeonye Cecilia Amaoge Eme <p>This research is a sociolinguistic analysis of traditional marriage terms in Awgbu, an Igbo-speaking community in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study, which adopts a qualitative research design, aims to gain insights into the social, cultural and linguistic changes in Awgbu-Igbo regarding traditional marriage terms. For data collection, indigenous Awgbu older men and women from the five villages in Awgbu who are knowledgeable in traditional marriage practices of Awgbu were interviewed using traditional marriage list of Awgbu. Traditional marriage terms, consisting of 40 terms, were collected from their responses. The theoretical framework for data analysis is J.R. Firth’s (1957) and Fillmore (1984) Lexical Semantics Theory. The findings from this research show that traditional marriage terms have socio-cultural significance in Awgbu. These terms have also changed due to globalisation, modernisation, and Christianity. Such changes involve the eradication of the ị́gbāḿmị́ị́ ceremony and ínēnē ụ́nọ̀ rites due to globalisation. Also, the use of òbènè (calabash), ìtóòtù (ceramic pot) and ìkóḿmị́ị̄/ḿmānyá (traditional cups) are now replaced with gallons, plastic and breakable cups. Likewise, the practice of égwúìtìrìm̀mọ́nwụ́ which involves dance and music performance is no longer feasible, signaling the loss of an exciting Awgbu culture.</p> 2024-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors