Journal of Psychology and Political Science(JPPS) ISSN 2799-1024 <p>The <strong>Journal of Psychology and Political Science(JPPS)</strong> having <strong>ISSN 2799-1024 </strong>is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides publication of articles in all areas of Psychology and Political Science related disciplines. The objective of this journal is to provide a veritable platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss a variety of innovative ideas and developments in all aspects of<strong> Psychology and Political Science.</strong></p> en-US (Editor in Chief) (Tech Support) Mon, 01 Apr 2024 06:49:39 +0000 OJS 60 The Pragmatics of Dialogue Evasion in American Political Debates <p><strong><em>In political discourse, dialogue evasion is a strategy by which people avoid directly answering questions or talking about certain topics during talks. The present study investigates the utilization of pragmatic strategies employed by politicians during American political debates as a means of avoiding direct confrontation. It is hypothesized that politicians employ implicature and presupposition in order to navigate talks, which may include redirection, non- answers, and questioning. Politicians also flout Grice's maxims in order to avoid providing direct responses, allowing them to manipulate the established conventions and expectations of conversations. </em></strong></p> Souad Hafed Mahdi, Prof. Qasim Obayes Al-Azzawi Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Fri, 19 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000