A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Information Booklet on knowledge and Attitude Regarding Weaning Food among Mothers in Selected Community Area of Buldhana, Maharashtra, India
Malnutrition, Complementary Feeding, Weaning, Knowledge, and Attitude.Abstract
Background: Malnutrition is a vital public health issues and it is need to address to prevent child morbidity and mortality. India ranked 94th out of the 107 countries. Over 33 lakh children in India are malnourished. Due to malnutrition and infection the death rate is highest in the age group 0-4 years. Around 21% of total deaths are estimated to be in the age group 0-1 year. After 6months breast-milk alone is not sufficient for the growth and development of children. The process of weaning, or the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to incorporating complementary foods, is a crucial milestone in the growth and development of infants. So, the objectives of the study was to assess the pre test and post level of knowledge and attitude and find out association between knowledge, attitude with demographic variables.
Methods: This was a interventional study, used evaluative approach and conducted at Yelagon, Buldhana, Maharashtra amongst 60 mothers by purposive sampling method during the period of August to September 2023. pretest and post test knowledge on weaning was assessed through 25 questions and attitude was assessed by 10 statements. Information booklet was provided after pretest data collection.
Results: Majority of participants were in the age group of 23 to 27 years, out of 60 participants 39(65%) were from Hindu religion, 51.67% were belong to joint family. 42(70%) followed mixed (vegetarian and nonvegeterian ) pattern of food. Out of 60 mothers 33.33% of them had poor knowledge, 65% had average knowledge and only 1.67% of them had good knowledge. Average knowledge score at the time of pretest was 9.76with standard deviation of 2.95. Average post test knowledge score was 19.06 with standard deviation of 2.05, about attitude in pretest 1.67% of them had highly favorable and 38.33% of them had unfavorable attitude which was change in post test 31.67% of them had highly favorable, 68.33% had moderate favorable attitude and no one of them had unfavorable attitude. There is significant association found in knowledge and occupation and monthly income and between religion, types of family and attitude.
Conclusions: This study concluded that there was knowledge gap about weaning in mothers but after providing information booklet regarding weaning food there was significant improvement seen in post test knowledge level of mothers and attitude of them.
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