Deterioration of Fisheries and Improvement Procedure of Fisheries: the Improvement Procedure of Inland and Marine Fisheries throughout the World
Alleviate Pollution, Primary Producer, Quicklime, Vegetation Covering.Abstract
Fisheries are an extremely precious resource in the world. It is delicious food which more than people eat it and elsewhere, it is utilized as raw material for agro-industry and purpose of medicine. During the ancient and medieval era, marine and inland water were exceedingly productive for fisheries and numerous & miscellaneous types of fishes were spontaneously and naturally grown in marine water and inland water. During the ancient and medieval period, fishes were considered unlimited since the productive rate of water for fishes were exceedingly furious and all of the favourable features for grown fishes were excellently appearing in marine and inland water. Else, marine and terrestrial ecosystems were enriched, consequently massive fishes were supplied with sufficient food such as floating vegetation, insects, zooplankton and a lot of animal dead bodies which were supplied as food for massive fishes. Notwithstanding, after the Industrial revolution, the marine water and inland water were polluted and primary producers were massively destroyed. Consequently, the earlier feature of water was rapidly lost and numerous fishes were dead predominantly lacking sufficient oxygen, food and floating plant. Moreover, the cultivators utilized huge amounts of chemical fertilizers, insecticides and poison which merged in canal, ponds, river and ultimately into sea. Consequently, it changed the chemical and physical features of water which greatly reduced the productivity of water. Procedure of Fish Production: If we can return earlier productivity or feature of water, then again can increase huge production of fishes. Several produce steps are given below which many times increase fish production, if we appropriately follow it. Step 1: Pollution of water is a major problem which reduces fish productivity. Ordinarily, vegetation (floating plant on surface water and the bank & embankment covered by vegetation) can absorb huge poisonous elements and liquid. Huge surrounding plants and moderate or few floating plants absorb the pollution and poisonous elements from the water. The poisonous solid, liquids and gaseous elements can possibly be absorbed only by floating plants and surrounding vegetation. Ordinarily, the bank and embankment need to be covered by moderate dense vegetation. Since the covering vegetation decreases adjacent temperature since the sun rays can't directly fall into water which reduces temperature in water. Although, sun rays are precious and fundamental elements for growing massive fishes. Notwithstanding, intensive and massive sun rays are harmful for fishes since they increase the temperature of the surface water and consequently may change physical features of surface water due to exceeding temperature. Else, leaves of covering vegetation fall on water which increase acidity in water and help to absorb the poisonous elements from the water. Although, more acidity or more alkaline in water is detrimental for the growth of fishes. Step 2: Huge leaves of plants and floating plants increase the acidity in water. Ordinarily, fishes can't tolerate more acidity and it distorts the growth of fishes. Henceforward, infrequently we need applied pure calcium/ lime or calcareous which reduce the acidity of water. Furthermore, the calcium or lime/quicklime chemically reacts with clays and decomposed leaves which results produce a mixture of food for fishes. Henceforth, we need to apply five to seven times lime or quicklime in ponds and tanks since it chemically reacts with decomposed leaves, flowers and roots. Consequently, it creates food for fishes and it reduces the acidity in water. Step 3: For suitable habitats of fishes need 2 to 5 feet clays in ponds, lake, river or sea. The clays less than 2 feet or more than 5 feet clays are harmful for fishes. The sufficient clay (2 feet to 5 feet) creates suitable habitats for fishes. Although, the larger fishes need more clay and it depends on size of fishes. The sandy or silty bottom is mischievous for the growth of fishes and other aquatic life. Micro aquatic life can't grow massively in the silty and sandy bottom of water which is considered the main food for fishes. Step 4: The sunrays are considered extremely precious elements for the growth of massive fishes. Although, huge run ray’s is harmful for fishes and it can change the physical features of water. To mention that the catfish, shark catfish etc does not require adequate sunrays. These types of fishes can grow with less oxygen and sunrays. Furthermore, these types of fishes (catfish etc) grow in dirty clay and silty decomposed water. Step 5: Fish like habitats as branches of bamboo or plants which live on branches of bamboo and fragment of plants. It is considered a suitable habitat for fishes since it can't live long in the bottom. Else, the fish floats in the upper layer of water predominantly demanding of oxygen and sun rays. Step 6: For massive fishes to grow up in water, they need a supply of food such as a mixing of carbohydrate (food grain) and protein (rejected animal parts). These fishes grow up rapidly in a short time with a predominantly supply of sufficient foods. Step 7: Infrequently, the water of ponds or tanks need changes after a few years. They need pure water from the underground which keeps balance between quality of water and oxygen. Step 8: The pond and tanks need to be encircled by the embankment since the polluted and poisonous water can't merge with pond's water & tank water from the cultivation land. Henceforward, it needs obstacles contraire to polluted water and poisonous water. Step 9: The temperature is a great factor to keep the quality or productivity of water. The more temperature above 30 degrees Celsius is harmful for fishes and it changes the physical properties of water. Otherwise, less temperature (less than 5 degree Celsius) is harmful for fishes and sun rays & oxygen can't get reach in water. Ordinarily, 7 degrees to 17degrees Celsius temperatures are suitable for fishes and other aquatic life. Step 10: For cultivation of fishes in ponds or tanks use underground water since the underground water is pollution free and it is extremely clean which is perfect for fish cultivation. Step 11: The more alkaline water is not suitable for fishes. The decomposed leaves of plants reduce alkaline in water and it increases the acidity in water. Although, more acidity is not suitable for cultivation or growth of fishes. Henceforward, moderate alkaline and moderate acidity is suitable for fish cultivation. Step 12: The uncovered surface or partially uncovered surface of water is suitable for fishes. The covering by floating plants generates a barrier for the infiltration of atmospheric water and sun rays which is an extremely precious element for the growth of fishes. If these processes or procedures are appropriately followed then many times increase production of fish cultivation. Although, all types of fish don't need a similar environment.
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