A Rapid Measurement Method for Cannopy Porosity of Orchard Crops



  • Donyo Ganchev Department of Chemistry and Phytopharmacy, Agricultural Universuty, town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Balkans


Canopy Porosity, Orchard Trees, Pesticides, Spraying.


The paper presents a research for rapid measurement of canopy porosity used in the process for optimization of treatment with plant protection products of orchard cultures. Spraying trees and bushes with more porosity canopy without optimizing the amount of pesticide solution can lead to significant wasting of solution on one hand and to significant pollution of the environment on other. Although there are a lot of investigations about canopy porosity, including with the development of smartphone applications for measurement of this value, they have a lot of drawbacks that obstruct their use in the real agronomist practice. The proposed method for measurement of the canopy porosity in the present study is simple, easy to be performed and can be used under any weather conditions.


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How to Cite

Donyo Ganchev. (2023). A Rapid Measurement Method for Cannopy Porosity of Orchard Crops. International Journal of Agriculture and Animal Production, 3(05), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.55529/ijaap.35.1.7