Health, Socio- Technical, and Economic Constraints of Beekeeping in Bamboutos, Western Highlands of Cameroon
Apiculture, Bee Diseases, Beekeeping Challenges, Bee Pests, Honeybee.Abstract
Beekeeping is important as a source of food, employment, and rural poverty alleviation. Honeybees are also important as the main pollinator of agricultural and forestry crops. However, there is a decrease in honeybee population worldwide, hence the objective of this study who was to investigate some of the challenges of beekeeping in Cameroon. Thus, a total of 56 beekeepers were investigated in Bamboutos in western Cameroon, using a questionnaire. Pests, predators and diseases were diagnosed retrospectively using a plate which was shown to beekeepers during the questionnaire administration. Signs of diseases reported by beekeepers included diarrhea (17.9%), chalkbrood (28.6 %), black bee (50%), and deformed wings (3.6%). The only parasite reported was Varroa (3.6%). Common insect pests were wax moth (87.5%), small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) (91.1%), large African hive beetle (Oplostomus fuligineus) (39.3%) and African death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos) (51.8%). Other pests noticed by beekeepers were ants (96.4%), spiders (78.4%), lizards (69.6%), wasps (66.1%), termites (64.3%), squirrels (60.7%), flies (8.9%), snakes (5.4%), and cockroaches (5.4%). The socioeconomic constraints cited were: lack of funding (87.5%), robbery and vandalism (71.4%), shortage of apiarian lands (60.7%), and proliferation of adulterated honey (48. 2%). The technical challenges were: presence of pests, predators and diseases (100%), lack of technical knowledge (41.1%), pesticides issues (26.8%), and low hive stocking rate (12.5%). The environmental challenges encountered were: strong winds (60.7%), bush fires (64.3 %), and remoteness of apiaries (44.6%). Problems encountered by beekeepers can be addressed through collective efforts from governmental authorities, NGOs and beekeepers.
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