Efficient Data Access Control Scheme Using Splitting Technique In Clouds



  • R. Arun Patrick Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Nehru Institute of Technology
  • R. Gowrishanka Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Nehru Institute of Technology
  • K. Cinetha Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Nehru Institute of Technology
  • T. Palani Raja Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Nehru Institute of Technology


Cryptography, Proxy Encryption, Splitting Technique, Virtual Storage.


Data access control is one of the main problem in data transferring over the network. Cloud storage is a model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools. These cloud storage providers are responsible for keeping the data available and accessible. There are various existing methods are used in cloud storage and they are providing security. Proxy encryption method, Cryptographic methods, third party auditor methods are the some of the existing methods. In these methods uploaded files are not stored in virtualized format. Hence the other users can also view the data. Some hackers may hack the data through back end. This may leak privacy and confidentiality of the files. In this project proposes Splitting Technique will split the uploaded files intosub parts and they are stored in the cloud. Proxy server will create a onetime virtual data storage. Cloud will send a copy of the original data to this virtual storage. One time only data viewer can view the data. Data viewer can not able to edit, update or delete the original data. So, the original data are safe. The files are in randomly occurring in the cloud storage, that arealso in encrypted format. Hence the data hackers cannot able to hack the files. The proposed system shows that it provides more confidentiality and privacy than the existing methods.



How to Cite

R. Arun Patrick, R. Gowrishanka, K. Cinetha, & T. Palani Raja. (2022). Efficient Data Access Control Scheme Using Splitting Technique In Clouds. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering , 2(03), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.55529/ijitc23.13.18



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