Infinite Particles of Infinite Singular Mass Are the Reason behind Infinite Universal Particle and Events Which Is Equal


  • Dr. Engr. Rt. Ln. Arun Kanti Howlader PMP P.Hd of Department of Astrophysics, Physics University of Oxford & International Space Station - National Aeronautics and Space Administration B.Sc in Computer Science & Engineering, Sylhet Engineering College Affiliated by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology ,Bangladesh


Molecular Light, Light Speed, Quantum, Gravity,


The infinite drifting molecule which is a portion of the universe is the reason to happen enormous collusion where each molecule has diverse mass and dimensional gravity contrasts to each molecule that helps to collide and isolate itself, that makes a difference to start unused particles and soil being with distinctive measurement conjointly. when they isolated for additional collusion between them additionally, for the collisional mass they partitioned by the shape of lights and goes back to the past organize of molecules and travel as light all through the universe as a single substance and vitality.



How to Cite

Dr. Engr. Rt. Ln. Arun Kanti Howlader PMP. (2021). Infinite Particles of Infinite Singular Mass Are the Reason behind Infinite Universal Particle and Events Which Is Equal. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering , 2(01), 5–7.



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