Role of electronic gadgets in removing inequalities


  • Asha Kumari Roy Sanskriti University, Bihar


Electronic gadgets can be seen as a learning tool and a means of communication. Within learning situations, multimedia products and online services can be used creatively and reflectively. One of the side effects of India's internal diversities is the lack of equal opportunities for education for all. That is, inequality of educational opportunities. Education of students in India has been affected by caste, gender, religion, region, economic reasons. The effect of inequality exists on the entire education system of India. In addition, multimedia can be used to promote subject and cross-curricular learning. Multimedia is very helpful and fruitful in education due to its characteristics of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various media that can support learning, taking into account individual differences among learners and enhancing their motivation.



How to Cite

Asha Kumari Roy. (2021). Role of electronic gadgets in removing inequalities. Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics, 1(02), 1–5.