Senna Alata Leaf and Stem: Phytochemical Screening, Nutritional Content, and Antimicrobial Activities
Senna Alata, Phytochemical, Nutritional, Antimi Crobial Property, Leaf and Stem.Abstract
In the current examination, the nutritional composition, phytochemical content and antibacterial activities of an extract from Senna alata leaf and stem were all evaluated. The Candle bush (Senna alata) leaf and stem were then cleaned, allowed to air dry at room temperature, and then ground. In ethanol aqueous solutions, extracts of the leaves and stems were produced. To ascertain the nutritional composition, antibacterial content, and phytochemical property, standard techniques were employed. Moisture content, crude protein, crude fat, ash content, crude fat and carbohydrate for Senna alata were measured at 16.43± 0.02, 18.89± 0.05, 9.36± 0.03, 6.17± 0.02, 16.73± 0.01, 32.42 ± 0.05 respectively for leaves extract and 4.43± 0.04, 14.22± 0.02, 5.46± 0.01, 4.17± 0.03, 14.56± 0.05, 57.16± 0.02 respectively for stem extract. Alkaloid, flavonoid, phenol, saponin, tannin, and phlobatannin were quantitatively and qualitatively identified in Senna alata's aqueous and ethanolic extracts utilizing leaf and stem extract, respectively. Amoxicillin was used as the control and the zones of inhibition by ethanolic extracts (leaf and stem) against streptococcus were determined at 3.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and zone of 6.5 mm, respectively. The zones of inhibition for ethanolic against E. coli were, respectively, 4.0 mm, 4.5 mm, and amoxicillin medication as control at zone of 4.5 mm. At zones of 5.0 mm, 5.0 mm, for both stem and leaves, and 6.0 mm for the amoxicillin medication as control, ethanolic extracts inhibited Staphylococcus aureus. As the outcome suggests, Senna alata's stem and leaves both demonstrate that they contain antimicrobial compounds and have a high therapeutic potential for use as sources of safer or more effective antimicrobial agent replacements for synthetically produced antimicrobial agents, which are conventionally hailed as being effective in treating infections.
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