A Study on analyzing the consumption of snacks pattern among school children



  • P.Leo Dominic Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai, India.
  • Dr.S.Praveen Kumar Professor& Dean, School of Commerce & Management, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai, India.


All parents wants their kids to be happy and healthy, but their health can be greatly reduced when the kids fill up on junk food. Junk food includes some of the obvious culprits, such as cookies and candy, but can also include things that charade as nutritional choices when they are really not. The worst foods for kids are those that are high in calories and meaningless additives but low on nutrition. Some of the biggest offenders may be on the menu every day.
The right time for healthy snacks is often the time after school, in the evenings, when kids are hungry and the body demands energy and nutrition. But if you indulge in preparing exhaustive and tedious varieties, that consume time to prepare, your kid will look for other simpler options like biscuits and wafers. Hence, just like it is important to prepare nutritious snacks, it is also important to do it quickly.
The data are collected from parents through questionnaires which is the primary data collection method used in this research. The study is analyzed by applying statistical tools such as interval estimation, chi-square, weighted average etc. The findings of this study have thrown startling insights.



How to Cite

P.Leo Dominic, & Dr.S.Praveen Kumar. (2022). A Study on analyzing the consumption of snacks pattern among school children. Journal of Learning and Educational Policy, 2(02), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.55529/jlep.22.1.10