The Effect of Training Mask Exercises in the Development of Oxygen Ability And Some Physical Andfunctional Variables for the 200m Freestyle Runner


  • Mabdar Mutalib Khalaf Hammadi Anbar Education Directorate, Iraq.


The 200m runner needs special physical and functional specifications due to the nature of the requirements of this event, which is characterizedby a high effort and for a short period of time during which the body depends on the supply of energy working muscles not oxygen, and this requires the coach to work extensively and significantly using all resources for the purpose of employing them in the training process to get the runner to the highest level, the use of the training mask makes the athlete work under oxygen conditions, which forces the functional devices to adapt to this situation to compensate the energy discharged During the muscular work that is characterized by high effort and during the continuation of training the body organs will adapt to this condition and therefore will achieve the desired training goals that he aspires to reach,



How to Cite

Mabdar Mutalib Khalaf Hammadi. (2022). The Effect of Training Mask Exercises in the Development of Oxygen Ability And Some Physical Andfunctional Variables for the 200m Freestyle Runner. Journal of Learning and Educational Policy, 2(04), 15–21.