Correlates of Academic Anxiety among Adolescents


  • Vipandeep Kaur Research Scholar, C.T. University, Ludhiana.
  • Dr. Kuldip Kaur Grewal Professor, C.T. University.
  • Dr. Shaloo Saini Assistant Professor, M.K.C.E / CT group of Institutions, Shahpur.


Academic Anxiety, Adolescents


Adolescence is the period that is characterized by stress and storm as defined by Stanley Hall. During this period, academic functions become the major source of anxiety in adolescents. Academic anxiety is uncomfortable / uneasiness feeling of students in academic institution towards academic tasks like exam preparation, presentations, assignments, interviews, curriculums, teaching methodologies, relationship with peers etc. From the literature review findings demonstrated that external factors like home and school environment and internal factors as academic achievement, academic motivation and study habits provoked as the key correlates of academic anxiety among adolescents.



How to Cite

Kaur, V. ., Grewal, D. K. K. ., & Saini, D. S. . (2021). Correlates of Academic Anxiety among Adolescents. Journal of Psychology and Political Science , 1(02), 10–14.