Analysis of Area Potential Landslides on Elak Roads Using Geoelectrical Methods


  • M.Fauzan Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas malikussaleh, Aceh Indonesia
  • Syafrizal Physics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Deassy Siska Physics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Khalsiah English, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia


Resistivity, Elak Road, Landslide


A landslide is a geological event that occurs when rock masses move together. The combination of high rainfall and steep topography and weathered rock creates a landslide-prone environment The many deformations and cracks along Jalan Lintas Elak indicate that the area is prone to landslides. This condition is unquestionably linked to the lithological conditions beneath the surface: Resistivity data measurements were carried out using the electrical resistivity method of the Wenner-Schlumberger array on two-line with a length of each line of 220 m to determine these conditions. The presence of a weak zone with shallow resistivity values (1 - 4 m) located at a depth of 5 - 16 m caused the liquefaction that occurred on the ELAK1 at a distance of 84 – 148 m, according to the results of the cross-sectional resistivity model processed using the Res2DInv software. At a distance of 85–156 meters on the ELAK2, a barrier of sand, gravel, boulders, and clay causes soil subsidence and deformation. This occurs because there is a weak clay rock layer with a resistivity value of ( 5 m) at a depth of 9 m and the tunnel's location



How to Cite

M.Fauzan, Syafrizal, Deassy Siska, & Khalsiah. (2022). Analysis of Area Potential Landslides on Elak Roads Using Geoelectrical Methods. Journal of Social Responsibility,Tourism and Hospitality, 2(02), 6–13.