Effect of Environment Capital and Length of Business on Income of Traditional Traders in Berastagi Fruit Market Environment
Environment Capital, Length of Business, IncomeAbstract
iThe idevelopment iof ithe icentral iand iregional ieconomies idepends ion ithe ieconomic iactivities iof ithe icommunity. iThe ieconomy iis iformed ifrom iseveral ibusiness isectors, iboth iformal iand iinformal isectors iwith ithe iaim iof igetting ia idecent iincome ito imeet ithe ineeds iof ilife iand ito iprosper itheir ifamily imembers. iThe ipurpose iof ithis iresearch iis ito iknow iand ianalyze ieffect iof environment capital iand ilength iof ibusiness ion iincome iof itraditional itraders iin iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment. iThe iscope iof ithis iresearch iis itraditional itraders iin iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment. iThe ivariables istudied iare i environment icapital iand ilength iof ibusiness iwhich iare iindependent ivariables iand iincome iof itraditional itraders as idependent ivariable. iThe ipopulation iin ithis istudy iwere itraditional itraders iin ithe iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment. iTraders idata itaken iin ithis iresearch ipopulation iare i270 itraditional itraders iin ithe iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment. iThe inumber iof isamples iin ithe istudy iwas i161 irespondents. iThe itest iresults iin ithis istudy iusing imultiple iregression ianalysis itest. iThe itest iused iis ithe ipartial itest i(t). iThe iresults ishow ithat environment capital ihas ia ipositive iand isignificant ieffect ion iincome iof itraditional itraders iin iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment. iLength iof ibusiness ihas ia ipositive iand iinsignificant ieffect ion iincome iof itraditional itraders iin iBerastagi iFruit iMarket environment.
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