Sujata Parashar’s The Temple Bar Woman: A Study in Revenge Tale


  • Dr. Sanjay Pandit Kamble (M.A. B,Ed., SET.,NET.,Ph.D.) Assistant Professor, Department of English, Yashwantaro Chavan (KMC) College, Kolhapur. (MS), India.


Tale, revenge, brothel, temple, bar, JSP, cabinet, impulsive.


Sujata Parashar is a blooming Indian Writer in English. She has credited more than half dozen of novels. Her fictions are labeled as bollywood in book. Her novels are like a Hindi film. Romance, thrill and suspense are the core part of novel. The Temple Bar Woman is the best example of bollywood movies. The present novel is the picture of a girl who is victim of this unjust system. She is simple woman of character but due to the social system she enters in political filed to take revenge of her enemy. She is gang raped by the Vikram Singh the son of political leader. She is a daughter of headmaster and she herself is the teacher. With her friend she encounters with Vikram Singh. He misbehaves so she insults him in the village fair. Virkam takes the revenge of his insult by raping her. The story does not end here. She was in unconscious state and she was left in brothel. The place of prostitute and red light area, here she meets the Rkshit Singh a budding business tycoon and leading politician. He is unknown about her past life. With the help of Rakshit Singh and Habiba Bi she decides to take revenge and achieves success. Tit for tat is saying proved, reaction to action take place and she becomes the role model for the next coming generation. She stands as a model of rise, revolt and raise her voice.



How to Cite

Dr. Sanjay Pandit Kamble. (2022). Sujata Parashar’s The Temple Bar Woman: A Study in Revenge Tale. Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society, 2(02), 1–4.