A Charter to Machineries Universally Used by School Learners
Learner Uses, Social Contacts, Media Types, Machinery Factors, Schools.Abstract
Students today, members of the "Net generation," regularly use technology as a means of connection and communication. Compared to those from any other generation, they utilize the Internet, e-mail, instant messaging, blogs, and social networking websites like Facebook and My Space more frequently (Fox and Madden, 2005; Junco and Mastrodicasa, 2007; Lenhart and Madden, 2007; Rainie and Tancer, 2007). However, student affairs professionals utilise technology differently and less frequently than their students do, lagging behind in the adoption of emerging modes of communication ( Junco and Mastrodicasa, 2007). In fact, there is a negative correlation between age and utilising the Internet for academic research, text messaging, using social networking websites, instant messaging, reading, and having high-speed access at home. Knowing how students utilise technology is crucial for student affairs professionals, especially given that newer technologies can be leveraged to improve educational results by increasing student involvement (Astin, 1999; Hu and Kuh, 2001; Nelson Laird and Kuh, 2005). This chapter examines the studies on school kids' use of technology, the more common tech tools they use now, and the significance of this knowledge for those working in student affairs.
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