Tribal Empowerment In India: Issues And Challenges In The State Of Nagaland


  • K Hinoca Assumi Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University, Punjab


Political Participation, Awareness, Education, Barriers, Elite society, technology.


Defining the meaning of tribal and its social and economic status in Nagaland in comparison with other tribal states of India. Level of participation and awareness, modes of participation. Gap of participation from educated tribal and not educated tribal society. The paper discusses about the barriers of participation and awareness in the tribal areas where this particular section is unable to access, assimilate and dissimilate information and participation. Existence of elite people or society also creates a lope hole in removing inequalities among this particular section of the society. Role of technology in bridging the gap as well as giving misinformation in tribal areas.



How to Cite

K Hinoca Assumi. (2021). Tribal Empowerment In India: Issues And Challenges In The State Of Nagaland. Journal of Multidisciplinary Cases , 1(02), 6–17.