Depression Detection


  • Miss. Priyanka Mallinath Tadlagi Student, Department of Information Technology, SSWCOE, Solapur (MS), India
  • Miss. Vaishnavi Padmakar Deshpande Student, Department of Information Technology, SSWCOE, Solapur (MS), India
  • Miss. Alfiya Abdul Gaffar Chanda Student, Department of Information Technology, SSWCOE, Solapur (MS), India
  • Miss.Pradnya Ramakant Kakade Student, Department of Information Technology, SSWCOE, Solapur (MS), India
  • Dr. Kazi Kutubuddin Sayyad Liyakat Associate Professor, Department of AIDS/ IT, SSCOE, Solapur (MS), India


Depression has been recognized as a purpose of incapacity globally with a good sized fee to health care systems. It encompasses terrible minds and emotions, affects physical well-being and behaviors, and in greater severe instances, melancholy is considered as one of the main reasons of suicide and substance abuse. Although antidepressant medicines and psychotherapy are effective remedies for despair, scientific mistakes in the clinical assessment of despair are not unusual. The presented research can provide new direction to the researchers who're operating in the area of depression detection. In this system, depression can be detected by monitoring the user through the phone. In the application, there is some task are there that will be detected automatically and compared with the Symptoms.



How to Cite

Miss. Priyanka Mallinath Tadlagi, Miss. Vaishnavi Padmakar Deshpande, Miss. Alfiya Abdul Gaffar Chanda, Miss.Pradnya Ramakant Kakade, & Dr. Kazi Kutubuddin Sayyad Liyakat. (2022). Depression Detection. Journal of Mental Health Issues and Behavior, 2(06), 1–7.