Rule of Akbar in Kashmir: An Explanatory Study
Zain-ul- Abidin, Skinder Lodi, Akbar the Great, Political disrupt, Valley, Famine, and Religious Controversy.Abstract
Jammu and Kashmir are frequently referred to be "heaven on earth." According to the Farsi couplet, if there is heaven on earth, it is this, this, and this (Amir Khusrau) (Amir Khusrau). The couplet piqued the interest of various kingdoms interested in ruling over Kashmir. The Mughals had been interested in Kashmir since the beginning of their rule in India in 1526. Their first effort to take the tiny Himalayan country occurred in 1528, under the reign of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Dynasty. The Mughal army ultimately succeeded in annexing Kashmir in 1586, snatching its independence and lowering it to the status of a subah (province) of their empire after several failed military invasions over half a century. Since the death of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin, Kashmir has seen intolerance, ferocious fanaticism, political maneuvering, and party strife. Sultan Muhammad, the ruler of Kashmir, had travelled to India to seek refuge from his uncle Fatah Khan as long back as the time of the Delhi Sultan, Sikandar Lodi. Sikander Lodi backed him up militarily, restored him to the throne, and drove Fatah Khan out of Kashmir. The Lodi family, however, did not attempt to take Kashmir. However, as time passed, several more weak kings followed in his footsteps, this time towards the Mughal Emperor. After being conquered by Babur, who established the Indian Mughal Empire, and later by Humayun’s, both of whom failed, the Valley was finally taken over by Akbar the Great in 1586. He accomplished this by exploiting the Valley's chaotic administration. The goal of this study is to explore Akbar's rule in Kashmir and the important actions he implemented in Kashmir. Furthermore, more the study adopted historical and descriptive method to reach on conclusion.
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