An Interlinking Converter for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid Grids


  • A. Balaji PG Student, Dept of EEE, SITS, Kadapa, AP, India
  • K. Meenendranath Reddy Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE, SITS, Kadapa, AP, India


Hybrid DC/AC Grid, Interlinking Converter (IC), Renewable Energy Integration, Flexibility, Leakage Currents.


With the rise in global warming, distributed generators (DGs) based on renewable energy sources have become increasingly important in the power sector. Due to their small size and the capacity to 'island' while providing most of their loads during situations, microgrids provide an excellent framework to build smart grids, which increases system resilience. Given that renewable-based DGs dominate microgrids and are defined by their statistical properties and unpredictable power, sustaining load-generation balance is a significant challenge. Although microgrids are now widely used and researched, there is still considerable contention over whether they should use alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC), with the majority opinion leaning toward a combination of the two. nIn order to facilitate the flexible incorporation of renewable energy into hybrid grids, this article offers an interlinking converter design. The suggested converter may be configured as a DC-DC converter, a DC-AC inverter, or a DC-DC/AC multiport converter thanks to its one AC port and two DC ports, making it a versatile option for combining multiple DC and AC sources. Flexible conversion, high power density, low leakage currents, and tunable power flow are all features validated by the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation results, proving the idea.



How to Cite

Balaji, A. ., & Reddy, K. M. . (2023). An Interlinking Converter for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid Grids. Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics, 3(02), 12–21.

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