An Empirical Study on the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Academicians with Special Reference to Eastern Indian
Academicians, Emotional Intelligence (Eq), Burnout, Self-Awareness, Self- Regulation, Intrinsic Motivation.Abstract
Purpose: The goal of this study is to unsheathe the influence of each component of EQ i.e., Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Intrinsic Motivation and Empathy with Burnout among academicians. The study further specifies which component of EQ is positively or negatively associated with burnout.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The empirical study uses purposive sampling technique to extract the sample of 257 academicians from 13 higher education institution of eastern India. The quantitative primary data was collected on 5-point Likert Scale through survey method with the help of five different instruments which included the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, the Self-Regulation Inventory, the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory of Task Evaluation, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The study used descriptive & inferential techniques of data analysis through XLSTAT software. Findings: Academicians' burnout was significantly influenced by emotional intelligence. Results indicated substantial negative association of Burnout with Self-Awareness and Self- Regulation whereas no association with Intrinsic Motivation and Empathy was found.
Practical implications: Academicians should be encouraged to develop emotional management skills. Organizations should encourage more positive emotion modulation approaches to achieve this. Academicians in danger should be identified and offered emotional control training. Experienced mentors, coaches, and trainers should be deployed to help subordinates learn and adapt positive emotion management practices.
Originality/Values: Research which explores interactions between the various components of EQ and burnout among academicians is limited. The study is one of a few efforts to fill the void in the area of empirical study related to academicians in the Indian context.
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